for the Week
Weekly Homework Schedule
Jan 13- Jan 17
Refer to your student’s math homework from their math teacher's weekly math email/agenda. My math homework is different from Mrs. Mejia and Mrs. Herrera
Monday: Module 3 lesson 10/Fact Fluency
Tuesday: Module 3 lesson 11/ Fact Fluency
Wednesday: Module 3 lesson 12/Fact Fluency
Thursday: Module 3 lesson 12/ No Fact Fluency
Friday: No math homework
Spelling: Spelling Lesson 14 (spelling activity each day) see instructions in the binder
Fluency: "Mother's Day" Fluency (instructions in binder) due Friday
Reading Comprehension- "Class News" reading comprehension (instructions in binder) due by Thursday
Read: 15-20 minutes
History, Science, and Literature (We will be using our History packets, Science Notebooks, and Literature Logs in class. These are completed in class and are not assigned as homework. However, these resources can be used as a guide for the tests that will be given after every unit. I highly suggest to study the study guides as they come home completed. (Any unfinished classwork will become homework).
Reading Comp.- Every Thursday
Science- Thursday
Spelling Test-Friday